Is Being a Writer... BORING?

Whenever I say I am a writer who works from home, many gets envious. Well, who wouldn't? I am exempted from the hellish traffic of Metro Manila and I could always wake up a few minutes before log-in time and still not be late. But after a few breathing, they would eventually comment on how dull my work is. I don't meet new people and I am stuck in the four corners of my room. 

So sometimes, I wonder myself: Is being a writer really boring? For some, maybe. But for me? Never.

1. Being a writer makes me practice what I love doing.

I have a lot of pens and sheets of paper stuck at home. The most used application in my old and dull Blackberry phone is the memo pad (and the drafts for my Samsung). I don't listen to lullabies to send myself to sleep. Instead, I write. 

Basically, I love writing. I have known that since I was a kid. It is the only thing I'm confident at. It is the only thing I have. It is my lifeline, my passion, my everything. Take it away and I'll be a lifeless soul. 

So why would I get bored of being a writer? 

2. Being a writer exposes me to new knowledge.

Next to writing, my most loved thing is reading. I am a sucker for knowledge. I love discovering things about the world, about myself. If I could, I would just want to stay as a student for the rest of my life. I even read the dictionary, although that would sound creepy as fuck. But yeah, I do. It's fun reading the dictionary, especially if you call yourself a 'writer'.

Basically, being a writer requires me to do research. I could not write anything I have no clue about, after all. So I read a lot and read a little more. I am not being geeky or what but my brain is a glutton. It is always looking for food, which are new pieces of information.

So if I'm learning about a lot of things, why would I get bored?

3. Being a writer brings me to different places.

Truth is: I don't just read to be able to write. I go to places. As a blogger, I need first-hand experiences about the things I will write; and as a travel writer, I am looking forward to going to different cities - even though the company would not fund my trip. I've actually started on one: Singapore.

So if being a writer takes me to different cities, why get bored?

4. Being a writer saves me from getting lost.

When I went to Singapore, I never felt worried about getting lost. Well, it's not just because everything is accessible to the country; but also due to the fact that I am familiar with a lot of things already, way before I went there. I got that from writing different articles about Singapore's tourism. 

Now, if somebody would bring me to South Korea, I tell you, I could find my way around easily. Thanks, Manager Hyung!

Tell me again, why should I get bored with my job?

5. Being a writer makes me meet different people.

Most of my real life friends who I treasure a lot, I have met through my blog. They're wonderful people who share the same interests as mine. Let me be particular with Yuxing-Unnie, a beautiful Singaporean girl who used to follow The Angels' Haven. I could totally say she's a soulmate since we are basically similar about everything, and I finally met her (after three years!!!) when I visited Singapore on February this year.

Who said I don't get to meet fabulous people because of my boring job?

6. Being a writer allows me to make more money.

I'll be particular with being an online writer. I am stuck at home. I work for my full-time work from 9AM to 6PM; and then I do my part time jobs immediately afterwards. If I would, I could find another job which could let me work from 11PM-4AM, and that would be another source of money. I can feed my family, I can buy whatever I want, I can fund my KPOP addiction.

My capitals? Knowledge and determination.

There's so much to do. Why should I get bored?

7. Being a writer challenges me a lot.

There's this thing we call 'Writer's Block'. It is that time of the day, week or month when I don't know what to write anymore. So as someone who lives through writing, it is my constant challenge to combat that mood. 

And you know, challenges would always relieve the boredom in me. How come I'd get bored?

8. Being a writer makes me proud of myself.

Compared to other people, I have nothing but my writing abilities. As I've said, this is the only thing that I'm good at; and there is not a lot of people who is good at it. So I'm really grateful that I can write decent articles and blogs. I could even write stories. Not many could do it properly. I'm proud.

I swear, it's impossible to get bored with constantly being proud of yourself.

9. Being a writer makes me feel free.

I worked as an office-based writer and a proofreader before I finally settled about being a homebased writer. And without hesitations, I could say that my present job is the best among the three. Why? Because time is mine. I've got no restrictions. There's no CCTV camera behind me, observing everything I do. Social networking sites are not blocked in my computer so I could open it whenever I feel tired.

Furthermore, I could work while lying in the comfort of my bed, in my pajamas. I could eat, listen to music, watch a movie, smoke cigs, and do whatever - and still be efficient with my work. (Actually, I work faster with distractions, and that's ironic.)

On a more serious note, I am free because I exercise the Freedom of Expression the best. I could say what I want and not be judged (because I could edit it before posting).

I've got freedom because I am a writer. What's boring with that?

10. Being a writer does not take me away from my family.

Although it gets annoying at times, my present job allows me to be with my family 24/7. I could help/annoy my parents, bond with/get annoyed by my brother, and cuddle with my dogs anytime. Fun, right?

How can I get bored?

Come to think of it... A writer is usually underappreciated because it does not earn as much as managers, accountants, and other professions do. But that doesn't make it boring for me. Writing is still, by far, the most interesting job there is; and I have told you all why already.

Meycauayan Spots: Kyoto Ramen Station

Aside from Our Kitchen, another favorite dining spot of mine in Meycauayan is Kyoto Ramen Station. Located in Malhacan, it is a wonderful restaurant serving quite a variety of authentic Japanese dishes.

Some dishes served in Kyoto Ramen aren't here, so better ask Tito Badz.
Kyoto Ramen is owned and operated by Tito Valdz. He was a cook in Kyoto, Japan for several years before he came back to the Philippines for good. He's a homosexual so it gets more fun because he never runs out of stories, sometimes obscene though, which he will willingly tell you as you feast over your food. He would even teach you some Japanese phrases if you want. A really warm person!

The restaurant isn't really big. I think it has a capacity for only 13-14 people, maximum. The store interior isn't really that 'Japanese' but it exudes a homey feel... like you could just eat in the counter of your home as you watch your TV, while someone cooks your food in front of you. 

nice piece in front of me. ORCHIDS!!!


Live Life to the Fullest

July 19...

I was browsing through Facebook to unwind. I noticed Ate Sol's status. She said Mary Christene Nunez has died. I don't know how. It's not like I can just ask right away, because we weren't really that close when we were in St. Jude... 

After a few minutes, Ate Rose sent me a message on Facebook informing me that Ma'am Garcia, our librarian in St. Jude during my time and a close friend of our family, has been in the ICU for a week now, lying there unconscious.

Two different incidents... which made me realize two different things.

First, life is short. 
Second, life is so short to be spent on bitterness.

It is not a secret that I hated St. Jude Academy. I hated the memories. I hated the people. I completely shun myself from everything that concerned the years I have stayed in that school because of some prejudiced teachers and students who had turned my teen life into hell.

But as I did that, I didn't notice that I have turned myself into a demon I've hated for so long. My world shrunk because I was condensing it. I forgot that the ten long and painful years I've spent in that school had still contributed to who I am right now.

There were so much pain during my stay in St. Jude Academy, and I've created an ocean of bitterness because I was stuck in those nightmares. I refused to accept the fact that despite all those heartaches, that school had given me at least some memories worth cherishing. 

In St. Jude Academy, I learned how to write, read, and do mathematics - three basic things I know I need to survive this judgmental world. There, I learned the Art of Debate which eventually paved way to me, representing UE Caloocan in a national debate competition in Baguio City. In this school, I discovered that I love writing - even though no one gave a damn and I was even accused of plagiarizing. In St. Jude, I realized that aside from writing, I can also dance and I am good at it. In St. Jude, I met my best friend who I love so much for sticking with me and my craziness for all these years.

And lastly (no pun intended)... In St. Jude, I experienced the worst that everything that happened in college became simple matters to me.

The bitterness I harbored against St. Jude Academy had eventually turned into a very uncontrollable one. I blamed everything to it, that sometimes, I wonder if I was just finding an excuse to justify the actions of an unbecoming person that I am. 

It sucks that I have to realize all these things given the circumstances. But somehow, I thank God for sending me His message before it's too late. Honestly, I still don't know what I have to do so I could move on; but I think I'm getting there...

I am getting there.

Ate Mary, rest in peace.
Ma'am Glo, get well soon.

Koreanization 101: How to Make Sheep Ears!

[CR: 二货panw] DO NOT EDIT

I've always found sheep ears cute. You know, that's what Koreans do with their towels when they go to saunas or public baths. So I decided to learn it, and I realized that it was really easy I could use it for accessory everyday. hahaha.

Here's how:

1. Get a towel and fold it into three, lengthwise.

2. Take both ends and fold it as if you're folding your sleeves, until you're sure that it won't fall off. The remaining space between should fit your head.

3. Pull it slightly so it would somehow tighten. This would also make the 'sheep ears' look a little more of a bun?

4. Find the opening and your sheep ears towel is ready to be worn. :)

Excuse the table cover and excuse my fail tutorial. But I hope you got it. =) I used a smaller towel so it would be easy to take a video of it. =)

Here's how I look with it:

I know, I know. My face looked horrible. :) But I wanna see yours! :) You're free to comment! Link me your pics!!! <3

Philippine Voter's ID : AFTER FIVE YEARS

LOL. I can still remember. I queued under the scorching heat of the sun, without anything to eat just so I can register myself to be a voter. It was a horrible experience because it took us almost 8 hours in line and we still weren't able to register that day. Starving, I was totally pissed off that I just want to curse everyone there. I was just 18 then...

And guess what... I'm 23 already.

The fuck, yes? I don't know how efficient the Commission on Elections could have been but I really don't understand why it took a laminated ID (not even electronic and in PVC) five long years to be processed. Oh well, what do I expect? When it comes to knowing who won the elections, it would even take years too...


But no harm done, at all. I've got my passport anyway so this comes quite useless to me if I were to base its worth on the five years that passed. I've got my passport like a month and a half after I applied for it, and that was the best thing to use to prove my identity.

So yeah, COMELEC.. No harm done. I just pray for efficiency next time. What happened with the defective PCOS machines anyway?