When the Right Love becomes Wrong

People say that love changes people. No complaints on that. I do believe that a lot of times, it makes people better and turns this world into a more beautiful place to live in. But sometimes, it does the opposite, and everytime that happens, it costs us a lot.

Unconditional love could also be cruel. For the sake of someone we care for so much, we end up forgetting the littlest details that led us to where we are. Because we're capable of loving completely already, we end up losing ourselves in that vast dimension - becoming inappropriately sensitive in the process - that we end up forgetting the small things we used to love. Our hearts get preoccupied with the bigger things that we fail to realize that that love is not just the only kind of love in this world. We become too immersed to the idea that we are capable of giving unconditional love that we end up forgetting that we're not the only ones who can give it.

I guess I'll never be able to understand but I find it hypocritical when people throw away everything just so they could keep up to the definition of love they have managed to come up with. For me, it is a waste when people base their meaning on something that is completely at the expense of others. It makes me wonder, is this how we're really supposed to live this virtue?

True, I may not know how to love unconditionally, but I believe I receive my fair share of it from my parents; so I know. Unconditional love is understandably impossible to explain but ridiculously hurting and stepping on other people's dignity every time wouldn't prove the point any better.

Because love, if built on a mountain of doubts and foolish assumptions, will never be love at all.

The Maze of Destiny

Do you guys believe in destiny?

Well, I do. Even if doesn't seem so, I do believe in the existence of fate. Maybe it's my religion but since I was young, I have always believed that God has already planned our lives for us even before we were born. In heaven, they keep this what I call the 'Book of Life' wherein everything is detailed. From how we will inhale our first breath to how long we will exhale our last, I believe it's there. We are destined to do what God wants us to do, and we could never say no.

To me, life is like a maze. Once we start to find our way out of it, we are given the freedom to choose which way to go. We could turn left or turn right, or just go straight ahead. When we hit the dead end, we just go back to the track we were taking before we bumped into it and take the other way. Whatever we do, wherever we go, the main goal is to find the ending... just one ending.

You see, we are given the free will but it's still what He wants to happen that will happen. We may make the wrong decisions and we may get hurt in the process, but all we have to do is to revert to where we came from and settle for the other choice. It's just like applying the science of trial and error. Life is that simple.

Everything happens for a reason. God has made sure of that; because He knows how doubting and meticulous his creations' minds can be. The thing is, He never planned to get us used to spoon-feeding. He gives challenges for us to face to strengthen us and polish us to become better individuals, worthy of the fantastic destinies that await us in the end of this maze.

Because for all we know, God is not a selfish God. Whatever kind of destiny He had designed for us, rest assured that it is the best. Because as His masterpieces which He created in His own image and likeness, we deserve nothing less.

Honestly, I do not know what happened why I'm suddenly writing about this Godly inspiring thought, but I think it is part of my job as one of His precious children to impart whatever realization I have.

So stop countering His plans with yours; because believe it or not, it is still He who put those ideas in your brain. If we want to be happy, why not try believing in destiny?
